Thursday, April 9, 2009


I ordered a book off Ebay for Andrew, it's a potty time book for boys. He was pretty interested in looking at it last night and seemed like he understands what it's about. I know he knows what going potty means, because I tell him I'm going to the bathroom and he says things like "Are you going to pee?" and he'll follow me in there. But I can't get him to set on the potty for anything! He simply refuses and throws a fit. I managed to get him to set there with a book one day, but he was fully clothed. I think he's just being stubborn and he knows it. We are going to go buy some big boy underwear this weekend and maybe that will urge him to go potty. Any secrets on how to do it?


  1. Buying the big boy underware is a great start! I took Lily to the store with me when she 20 months and let her pick out Dora panties. I told her she could wear them when she sat on the potty. I never bought another diaper (we totally skipped pull ups) By her second birthday she was totally trained!

    Some ppl give little candies like M&M's. 2 for a poo! Hehe Good luck, don't stress!

  2. Well, obviously I've never potty trained a boy but this is what I've heard. Of course you'll have to wait for warmer weather but friends of mine and Josh's cousin and actually, I think your Mom, let their boys go outside naked (seriously) and I'm not sure if they just figured it out because they could watch it or what but ask your mom because I think she did this with Jesse. (I'm sure he'll appreciate that!) I guess you could always let him run around naked inside.....if you want the mess!
